Microbe-Lift Bloom & Grow
The Microbe Lift Bloom N Grow is an aquatic plant supplement
Aquatic plants supplement without phosphate and nitrate (Nitrogen 0.10, Phosphate 0, Potassium 0.10).
Bloom & Grow is specially formulated for all sorts of aquatic plants. Use this supplement one or two times a week for bigger, more beautiful and faster growth and for healthier and stronger...
Microbe-Lift Barley Extract
Microbe-Lift Barley Extract
Microbe Lift Barley Straw Extract is a liquid concentrate barley straw extract specifically formulated to naturally balance pond water and improve clarity. Goes to work on contact, decomposition begins immediately, no messy residual. One bottle is equal to multiple barley straw bales.
Microbe Lift Barley Straw Extract is a liquid extract of barley straw is an...
Microbe-Lift Phosphate Remover
The ultimate remedy in phosphate removal for fresh water.
Use Microbe-Lift / Phosphate Remover for starting up a new pond. this guarantees low phosphate concentrations. To clear the pond from phosphate successfully, it is necessary to use Phosphate Remover regularly in new or existing mature ponds. MICROBEL-LIFT/ POND
PHOSPHATE REMOVER is a polymeric blend with outstanding...
Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover
MICROBE-LIFT AMMONIA REMOVER - 1 LitreAmmonia Remover neutralizes toxic ammonia, chloramines and chlorine. Is safe for everything that lives in the pond. Ammonia Remover gives beneficial bacteria time to multiply and recover if the biological filter gets damaged keeping pond fish from beingstressed. Use Ammonia Remover preferably after refreshing or adding tap water. Also use when the pond is over-populated...
Microbe-Lift Nite Out II
MICROBE-LIFT NITE OUT II - SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR RAPID AMMONIA AND NITRITE REDUCTIONMICROBE-LIFT®/NITE-OUT II is designed specifically for pond waters that contain marine life. Its highly specialized microbial consortium of nitrifying cultures is specially formulated to eliminate ammonia via a natural biological process termed nitrification. Remains active to 4°C ! (Best results from 13°C and...
Microbe-Lift Aqua Xtreme
Microbe-Lift AQUA XTREME
Microbe-Lift AQUA EXTREME is a convenient liquid, single-phase, full-function water conditioner that has been scientifically formulated for use in koi and goldfish ponds.
Microbe-Lift AQUA XTREME should be used when:
conditioning new water for ponds; adding (or prior to adding) water, new fish or plants to ponds; and transporting koi and goldfish. It is very...
Microbe-Lift Autumn Winter Prep
Microbe-Lift Autumn Winter Prep
Microbe-Lift Autumn Winter Prep has been specially formulated for pond winterization. Microbe-Lift Autumn Winter Prep helps to accelerate the decomposition of leaves, sediment and other organic matter during the Autumn and Winter months, and will also jump start your pond in the Spring.
Microbe-Lift Autumn Winter Prep is a two-part system of liquid becteria...
Microbe-Lift Spring Summer Cleaner
Microbe-Lift Spring Summer Cleaner
Microbe Lift Spring/Summer Cleaner has been made especially to accelerate the deterioration of leafs, small branches and other dead organic residue.
Spring is the season to clean and revitalize your pond after the cold and hard winter months. A season procedure for a good organic balance in ponds.
The cellulase enzymes are the key to the deterioration...
Microbe-Lift Super Start - Bead Filter Bacteria
Specially formulated for all biological (bead)filters. Like most types of mechanical/biological filters, beadfilters rely on the use of a media that provides a high surface area/volume ratio. This allows for support of the necessary amount of biomass, in the form of a biofilm, to properly remove organic and inorganic waste from the water.
Within the...
Microbe-Lift Filtergel
MICROBE-LIFT FILTERGELMicrobe-Lift Filter Gel is a technological breakthrough because it's the first product that puts the bacteria right where you want it and it STAYS THERE! Filter Gel will quickly attach to and populate any filter media including foam, strapping, floss, bio-balls, ceramic media, etc. This will help to rapidly establish the necessary biological activity in your filter to stabilize...
Microbe-Lift Nutripack
MICROBE-LIFT NUTRIPACKLike all living organisms, the beneficial micro-organisms in MICROBE-LIFT and other MICROBE-LIFT bacterial products needs minerals and essential trace elements in order to function optimally. While only required in very small amouns, if lacking, these micro nutrients can reduce the benefits you realise from any bacterial additives you use as well as any indigenous benefical micro-organisms...
Microbe-Lift Sludge Away
MICROBE-LIFT SLUDGE AWAY - SLUDGE REMOVALYears in development, Microbe-Lift® Sludge Away speeds up the biological removal of slow to degrade organic waste matter from aquatic pond bottoms that may become toxic to fish and plant life. As organic solids accumulate on the pond bottom they begin to break down, releasing toxic gasses to the surrounding environment.These gaseous byproducts endanger fish,...
Microbe-Lift Flocculant Plus
Microbe-Lift / Flocculant Plus is a proprietary formulation used to coagulate suspended solids in the pond water. After use, particles in the water settle to the bottom of the pond and/or filter out through the filter system.
Clears cloudy waterSafe for aquatic life and plants
Attracts suspended particles
Improves filtration
Microbe-Lift Clean & Clear
Microbe-Lift Clean & Clear
Microbe-Lift Clean & Clear is a special blend of beneficial bacteria that keeps ponds clean & clear. Contains also photosynthetic bacteria and is grown in the bottle in which it is sold, thanks to a unique process! Photosynthetic bacteria can be very beneficial in balancing the ecology of a pond. They will compete with algae for their nutrition and sunlight.
When used...
Microbe-Lift pH Decrease
MICROBE-LIFT pH DECREASER (PH-) - 1 LitreFormulated in deionized water Includes 2 pH increasers for gentle effectiveness Includes 3 electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance Contains a slime coat ingredient for skin protection and stress reduction in pond fish Has a chelating agent to enhance water quality Safely raises the pH level Not harmful to fish or plants Can temporarily blur the water,...
Microbe-Lift pH Increase
MICROBE-LIFT pH INCREASE PLUS (PH+) - 1 LitreFormulated in deionized water Includes 2 pH increasers for gentle effectiveness Includes 3 electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance Contains a slime coat ingredient for skin protection and stress reduction in pond fish Has a chelating agent to enhance water quality Safely raises the pH level Not harmful to fish or plants Can temporarily blur the water,...
Microbe-Lift Thera-P
Microbe-Lift Thera-P
Specially Formulated to Promote Pond Fish Health
Provides a natural pond eco-system, resulting in better overall fish health and improved water quality for use with all ornamental, coldwater, temperate, cyprinids, native and wild species
It is easier to prevent disease than cure it, and good water quality is a keystone for disease control.
Biologically supports the fish's immune...
Microbe-Lift Natural-Clear
MICROBE-LIFT NATURAL-CLEAR targets unwanted organic waste. This beneficial, microbial treatment was
designed specifically for the removal of waste matter, such as: bird and animal waste; human waste; body oils;
and wind blown organic material that can pollute swimming ponds. The bio enzymatic, environmentally-friendly
waste degrading action works fast and effectively...
Microbe-Lift Natural Algae Control
MICROBE-LIFT Natural Algae Control
MICROBE-LIFT Natural Algae Control for Swimming Ponds, is a liquid barley extract formulated for the natural control of unwanted algae in natural swim ponds environments. MICROBE-LIFT®/Natural Algae Control works by binding excessive nutrients that exist in natural ponds as a result of organic waste by-products. For centuries, barley straw has been used...
Microbe-Lift Natural Sludge Reducer
MICROBE-LIFT Natural Sludge Reducer
MICROBE-LIFT Natural Sludge Reducer for Swimming Ponds is a 100% natural liquid derived from humus-based materials. This novel formulation is a soil science created to stimulate the natural process of
organic water purification via rapid bio-enzymatic breakdown and the removal of slow-to-degrade organic bottom solids, materials and muck. This technology...
Microbe-Lift Natural Complete Kit
The water quality of on-site swimming features can now be enhanced by the use of modern microbial technologies that safely and effectively remove waste pollutants. Our water clarification process relies on modern biology to naturally enhance and restore water quality. Over a period of time, this safe, effective and environmentally-friendly process features bio-enzymatic...
Microbe-Lift Bio Black Enzyme & Pond Colourant 500ml
Microbe-Lift Bio Black ENZYME and POND Colourant
Microbe Lift Bio Black has been specially formulated to safely color lakes, lagoons, decorative ponds, fountains, and water features a beautiful shade of Black.
Microbe-Lift Bio Black ENZYME and Pond Colourant Benefits:
Will not stain birds, fish, pond rocks, or most concrete fountains once diluted.
Safe for humans, plants, and...
Microbe-Lift Bio Blue Enzyme & Pond Colourant 500ml
Microbe Lift Bio Blue ENZYME and POND Colourant
Microbe Lift Bio Blue has been specially formulated to safely color lakes, lagoons, decorative ponds, fountains, and water features a beautiful shade of blue.
Microbe Lift Bio Blue ENZYME and Pond Colourant Benefits:
Will not stain birds, fish, pond rocks, or most concrete fountains once diluted.
Safe for humans, plants, and aquatic...
Microbe-Lift GOLF
Microbe Lift GOLF
Microbe-Lift GOLF has been specially for lagoons and golf course ponds and larger ponds in general.
Benefits Microbe-Lift Golf:
Easy to apply.
Environmentally friendly.
Breaks down organic sludge.
Creates a healthy pond environment.
Contains photosynthetic bacteria which reduces cloudy water.
Flocculation and settling of organic and inorganic particles.